Dragon Thief
Asher of Steel Rim
The Distraction
Magi type: Astromancer
Ethereal aura: Turquoise
Weapon: Starglass dragonhook spear
Dragon Bond: Thorn
Solrac, Duke of Glacia
The Mastermind
Magi type: Psion
Ethereal aura: Scarlet
Weapon: Seaxe
Kai of
Steel Rim
The Communication Specialist
Magi type: Seer
Ethereal aura: Goldenrod
Weapon: Scaleslayer crossbow
Valla of White Cliff
The Bodyguard
Magi type: Wildshaper
Ethereal aura: Forest green
Weapons (known): Twin seaxes, warsword, throwing knives
Kari of
Steel Rim
The Inventor
Magi type: None
Ethereal aura: Navy blue
Weapon: Modified crossbow
Jax of Blackfjord
The Muscle
Magi type: Psion
Ethereal aura: Tangerine
Weapon: Fanged axes
Boone of the Bramblewilds
The Point Man
Magi type: Astromancer
Ethereal aura: Desert tan
Weapon: Pistol-grip starglass daggers
Shaya of Dawn Glade
The Acrobat
Magi type: Shadowbinder
Ethereal aura: Red orange
Weapon: Dragonhook spear
The Black Valkyrie
The Mage Hunter
Magi type: Psion
Ethereal aura: Lavender
Weapon: Dragonhook spear
Elle of Keep Drakfell
The Dragon Keeper
Magi type: None
Ethereal aura: Amethyst
Weapon: Skygardian saber
The Farseer
Magi type: Seer
Ethereal aura: Unknown
Weapon: Runemarked staff
Getaway dragon
Magi type: Woodweaver
Ethereal aura: Black, copper
Weapon: Tail spike
Dragon Guard
Meleya of
Squad Reckless
(evren rider)
Magi type: Rifter
Ethereal aura: Indigo
Weapon: Long seaxe
Zoren of the
Dragon Isles
Captain of the Guard,
Legendary Mage Hunter
Magi type: None
Ethereal aura: Dark violet
Weapon: Silver seaxe
Brigan, Heir Duke of Solhelm
Squad Reckless
(drake rider)
Magi type: None
Ethereal aura: Ruby
Weapon: Long seaxe
(a fancy one)
Solvai of
Keep RengarD
Squad Reckless
Magi type: None
Ethereal aura: Cerulean
Weapon: Dragonhook spear
Edrea of
Keep RengarD
Squad Reckless
Magi type: None
Ethereal aura: Royal purple
Weapon: Dragonhook spear
Cam of
Keep RengarD
Squad Reckless
(drake rider)
Magi type: None
Ethereal aura: Lime
Weapon: Warsword
Erik of
Squad Reckless
(wyvern rider)
Magi type: None
Ethereal aura: Flax yellow
Weapon: Scaleslayer crossbow
Jax of
Knights of the Torch
Magi type: Psion
Ethereal aura: Tangerine
Weapon: Fanged Axes
& Mute
Mage Hunters
Magi type: None
Ethereal aura (s):
Ice blue, sage
Weapon: Mini crossbow, silver seaxe
Torsten of the Northern Flats
Town drunk
Magi type: Rifter
Ethereal aura: Caramel
Weapon: Rusted long seaxe
Commander Hildred
Outcast Outpost
Platoon Leader
Magi type: None
Ethereal aura: Emerald
Weapon: Dragonforged warsword
The Liberator
Leader of the
Coven of the Gray Ones
Magi type: Unknown
Ethereal aura: Unknown
Weapon: They don't need one...
Evren for the Guard
Magi type: Astromancer
Ethereal aura: Golden yellow
Weapon: Ether-blast sneezes
The Black Valkyrie
Leader of the Mage Hunters
Magi type: Psion
Ethereal aura: Lavender
Weapon: Dragonhook spear